Although this was an extremely difficult day, I am happy we were able to honor Andrew’s life with family and friends in such a beautiful way. All my amazing women helped me last night to get the programs and gifts ready, pick out photos, create a shadow box of memories from the past week and so much more. We spent time together, fellowshipping, laughing, crying. It was exactly what I wanted… a reminder of why we are here on this earth – To Love One Another!
There are so many who have been praying and have connected with us through this who couldn’t attend the service. Peter and I decided to Facebook Live the service – Link to the Facebook Live. It’s really important that the message of the Lord and how he has used Andrew’s life to bring Glory to His Kingdom is heard by all.
Thank you for all who attended and watched Andrew’s Memorial Service. We are blessed to have wonderful people in our lives. Please watch the message… it is very impactful!