It’s Inevitable

Over the past week our family and friends have been talking about what God taught us in 2019 and what we are looking forward to God doing in 2020. It was easy for me to come up with an answer, although not as easy for me to say it out loud. This past year was […]
Does Prayer Really “Work”?

I have so many questions about prayer. I would imagine that we all do in some way or another. The past two years have been filled with questions as I deal with loss, disappointment, and questioning how God plays a part in it all. Can prayers really change the outcome of a dire situation? Can […]
Eyewitness Account of a 17 Week Baby

This past week has been one I never in a million years believed I would have to write about. I thought when I lost my son, Andrew, at 27 weeks only two years ago that I surely had a pass on heartache for a least a little while. And I never thought God would allow […]
The Cure for a Broken Heart

We are all searching for the cure to something we are facing in this world… A child who has left this earth before the mother who was supposed to protect him. A parent gone from our lives before we are ready to no longer have the guidance and love we have always experienced. A sickness […]
Teetering Between the Path to Depression and the Path to Peace

It feels as if you are two different people at the same time – I am pulled from one direction to another with little control over my emotions. One minute I am at peace, because I have confidence that God is in control and the faith to continue trusting him. The next minute the dark […]
To My Little Boy on His First Birthday

Dear Andrew, One year has passed since you came into this world. It happened so fast. One minute I was a mother of three. I blinked my eyes and became a mother of four. I never thought four was in my cards but God’s ways are always better than my own. You were a tiny, […]
Peace in the Waiting Always Applies

Since I have been home from my mission trip, I have read through all of my blog entries and experiences. I have been contemplating how everything I experienced on the trip applies to Peace in the Waiting. Peace in the Waiting is not just about child or reproductive loss. It was born from that personal […]
Day 6: Rest After Work

Today was a day of relaxation and fun. We got to enjoy the water and beach before leaving the Dominican Republic. I often have to remind myself that even God and Jesus rested. It doesn’t come easily to me, but today was very nice. We started our day in town at the market. Michael wanted […]
Day 5: God Instructs Us to Care for Widows and Orphans

We spent today on the mountain in Santa Elena. While I have loved every day here, this day blessed me beyond measure. Wonderful memories from this day doing God’s work! Yesterday we went to the store to buy food for several families. I bought food to take to two widows. The two HMM trucks were […]
Day 4: Spreading God’s Word and Building Relationships

It’s was a beautiful, hot day in the Dominican Republic with no clouds or rain like the two previous days. We went on a short ride to another community where HMM has a children’s church. We handed out the rest of the rice and beans that we packed to families in the community. We stopped […]