Day 3: Sunday Church and God’s Will

The day started out very hot. My cotton shirt did not hold up well to the sweat! We walked through the community handing out rice and beans to families who would speak with us. I got to see Rosa and her baby girl. Rosa and her sister were headed to graduation so they were all […]
Day 2: Community Visits and VBS

Today was a rainy day which was a blessing in disguise because it lowered the temperature by 10+ degrees. Our work today pushed me outside of my comfort zone for sure. I desired so badly to be able to communicate with the people here but was unable to without a translator. They definitely look at […]
Day 1: Travel to Barahona, Dominican Republic

The trip was a success and we are now safely in the Dominican Republic. However, as with any travel, there were many times throughout the day that could have turned my excitement and anticipation into frustration. But I didn’t let it! The day started at DFW airport. I got there at 3:45am and Delta didn’t […]
When you don’t know what else to pray… (Bookmark and read often)

When we experience something difficult, it’s our natural tendency to reach out to others who have experienced something similar. It is somehow comforting to know that we are not alone in our suffering. Several women have reached out to me for encouragement as they attempt to seek God during dark hours in the NICU. I […]
Live Like Tomorrow is Your Last

Had I known that Andrew was going to die after only four days of life on this Earth I would have done things differently. I wouldn’t have gone back to my hospital room each night. I would have stayed by his side for four days straight. I would have brought his sisters and brother to […]
We Are All Pursuing Something

I was cooking chicken quesadillas for dinner a few nights ago. I opened the cabinet to get the cooking spray and fumbled with all of the stuff on the shelf. The glass pepper shaker got away from me and fell from the cabinet, onto the counter, and then the floor. Sigh of relief… it didn’t […]
Sustained by God’s Word

Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you needed God so badly you could hardly breathe? When all you wanted was to read His word and seek His answers because you had none of your own. For me, 2017 was one of seeking the Lord with all my heart. I experienced the […]
Refinement in the Waiting

I am impatient. I am a control freak. I like to get things done without wasting time. I desire perfection. I do not wait well. Something unfamiliar is happening in my life. I believe it’s called God shaping me into His own image, but the jury is still out at the moment. Prior to this […]
A Front Row Seat to the Best Birthday Party

Bright, vibrant colored balloons fill the beautiful blue sky Rays of sunshine radiate the most incredible warmth ever felt A gentle breeze sweeps through the trees, grass and flowers in acknowledgment of God’s greatness Millions of souls gather together singing in perfect harmony the most beautiful songs ever heard Dancing fills the streets for hundreds […]
There is More Than One Side to the Story

I stood in the shower this morning and could barely contain my excitement at the news that baby Nixon is getting a perfectly matched heart only five days after being added to the transplant list. I praised God for his provision and for answering this prayer so quickly. I thought about the incredible human body […]