
It’s Inevitable
Over the past week our family and friends have been talking about what God taught us in 2019 and what

Does Prayer Really “Work”?
I have so many questions about prayer. I would imagine that we all do in some way or another. The

Eyewitness Account of a 17 Week Baby
This past week has been one I never in a million years believed I would have to write about. I

The Cure for a Broken Heart
We are all searching for the cure to something we are facing in this world… A child who has left

Teetering Between the Path to Depression and the Path to Peace
It feels as if you are two different people at the same time – I am pulled from one direction

To My Little Boy on His First Birthday
Dear Andrew, One year has passed since you came into this world. It happened so fast. One minute I was

Peace in the Waiting Always Applies
Since I have been home from my mission trip, I have read through all of my blog entries and experiences.

Day 6: Rest After Work
Today was a day of relaxation and fun. We got to enjoy the water and beach before leaving the Dominican

Day 5: God Instructs Us to Care for Widows and Orphans
We spent today on the mountain in Santa Elena. While I have loved every day here, this day blessed me

Day 4: Spreading God’s Word and Building Relationships
It’s was a beautiful, hot day in the Dominican Republic with no clouds or rain like the two previous days.

Day 3: Sunday Church and God’s Will
The day started out very hot. My cotton shirt did not hold up well to the sweat! We walked through

Day 2: Community Visits and VBS
Today was a rainy day which was a blessing in disguise because it lowered the temperature by 10+ degrees. Our

Day 1: Travel to Barahona, Dominican Republic
The trip was a success and we are now safely in the Dominican Republic. However, as with any travel, there

When you don’t know what else to pray… (Bookmark and read often)
When we experience something difficult, it’s our natural tendency to reach out to others who have experienced something similar. It

Live Like Tomorrow is Your Last
Had I known that Andrew was going to die after only four days of life on this Earth I would

We Are All Pursuing Something
I was cooking chicken quesadillas for dinner a few nights ago. I opened the cabinet to get the cooking spray

Sustained by God’s Word
Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you needed God so badly you could hardly breathe? When

Refinement in the Waiting
I am impatient. I am a control freak. I like to get things done without wasting time. I desire perfection.

A Front Row Seat to the Best Birthday Party
Bright, vibrant colored balloons fill the beautiful blue sky Rays of sunshine radiate the most incredible warmth ever felt A

There is More Than One Side to the Story
I stood in the shower this morning and could barely contain my excitement at the news that baby Nixon is

How to Wait With God’s Peace – Peace in the Waiting – Part 2
We live in a world of people who expect and demand immediate gratification. We want everything now and don’t like

How to Experience God’s Peace – Peace in the Waiting – Part 1
I should be in the hospital today delivering my 4th child and 2nd boy, Andrew James Chase. Instead I am

The Best and Worst Week of My Life
Remaining at peace during the most difficult time of your life has proved to be a great struggle and challenge.

A Grieving Sister’s Perspective
My oldest daughter, Audrey, is 11 years old and was recently given an assignment at school to write a personal

What Should You Say?
Milestone: First week back to work is finished. Monday night I posted “Grief is like the Ocean” and described the

Grief is like the Ocean
Who doesn’t love a nice, relaxing trip to the beach? I know I do! To sit on the balcony (or

God is Enough
I’ve been struggling with not feeling like I have “enough”. There is this big hole in my life now, and

Our Desire for Answers
When you experience difficult times in life, it’s really hard not to ask “why” – even when you trust that

Hills and Valleys
I just heard, for the first time the other day, a song by Tauren Wells called “Hills and Valleys.” It, of course,

Understanding Grief and Pain
Our understanding of grief and pain is only as great as what we have experienced personally. When the most devastating

You Are Loved
I was listening to 94.9 KLTY – Your Life. Inspired this morning. The song “You are Loved” by Stars Go Dim came on and

From the Heart of a Grieving Mother
The depths of despair, loss, and heartache that come with losing a child are hard to explain in words. It’s

A Letter from Andrew’s Parents
Dear friends and family, There are no words to adequately express the emotions we have experienced over the past six

Memorial Service
Although this was an extremely difficult day, I am happy we were able to honor Andrew’s life with family and

A Candlelight Vigil
My beloved friend, Karen Wollman, set up an Online Candlelight Vigil for Andrew. We have people from all of the world

The Best and Worst Week – Day 5 – The End is Near
Day 5 – July 14, 2017 Stacey and my in-laws left bright and early to make the 7 hour drive

The Best and Worst Week – Day 4 – Unexpected Surgery
Day 4 – July 13, 2017 We met with the doctor mid-morning. She says that Andrew is still very stable

The Best and Worst Week – Day 3 – A Roller Coaster Ride
Day 3 – July 12, 2017 My early morning prayer today, as I heard the other newborn babies crying on

The Best and Worst Week – Day 2 – A Positive Report
Day 2 – July 11, 2017 We received more positive news this morning. Andrew’s numbers are very slowly coming up.

The Best and Worst Week – Day 1 – Andrew is Born
Day 1 – July 10, 2017 Our sweet baby boy, Andrew James Chase, was born today at 1:49 pm weighing

How We Got Here
Back in February, I found out I was pregnant with my fourth child. At 12 weeks we learned that we